I just decided to look at my neglected blog for the first time in a long time and feel like I have lost touch with this medium. It's an indication of just how quickly things can change and replace things. I find myself tweeting or texting instead of sitting down and making complete thoughts come out of my keyboard. In fact, not only are complete thoughts coming out right now, but complete sentences and words are being written. I know I pen a completely different language when using mobile devices like my ipad or iphone but that's just the way we communicate now. Right?
The reason I actually visited my blog today was because my principal wants to start a blog for his school webpage :) He decided to choose one that I don't use often so I need to sharpen my skills back in the blogesphere. How different can blog applications be?
Well, it turns out they are somewhat similar but it's like trying to find the button you know exists on your Chevy, somewhere on your new Ford. Patience is the name of the game:)
It's a crazy life, with lots of things vying for your time, but finding time for actually writing out thoughts isn't such a bad thing! Maybe I'll come back here after I remember and learn where all the OLD and NEW buttons are!