The 2nd day consisted of continuous workshops on various topics. I was fortunate enough to get into almost all of the sessions I was interested in and consumed a huge amount of information. It actually made my head swim, and by the time 4pm came I welcomed driving into a downpour on my way back to Gorham just to get my mind somewhere else.
One thing that I learned for sure is that the infrastructure of education is changing. Schools have up till now, been considered the culmination of the knowledge center. That center is now shifting at light speed pace. The center of education now resides within the richness of a global community network in which students can not only consume information, but author, edit and publish it in real time. So much for the average newscaster's job! Kids can have access to devices that allow them to report live coverage of an event and publish to the internet pictures in real time with information using a cell phone! This challenges me to think through how to ask teachers to leverage this critical piece of learning and not diminish their role, but to re-frame it with more emphasis towards student created learning networks. This is no doubt a shift that would make some people uncomfortable for a while, but after all it is important work! Let's shift to become a Globally Connected Classroom.
Remember "Shift Happens" :)
More later as I sift through the resources..... till then Blog Blog blog....
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