Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I can write a long blog post that you will politely read and maybe make a brief comment on. Hey, Thanks Terri Dawson! Or, I can add multimedia to my blog to engage you & the students with the content I want you & them to learn and reflect on. Either way they are becoming involved in conversations they may not have had or heard without this technology tool to engage them. Why not make it fun to learn by meeting them on their terms. Which means to me... Bombarding them with simultaneous text, images, and video! They are after all “Screenagers!”

With that Said....
I sat down one day and thought how can I be a better teacher? I started by asking myself what kind of a learner am I and proceeded to visually sketch out my learning network using webspiration. I quickly realized I was a technoholic! On the flipside, I realized I teach the way I learn, which allows me to be a more persuasive and effective presenter. Teaching = Learning for me, which in turn, I hope leads to better learning for the people I teach. If you would like to see my learning network click on the "visit my wiki" link on the left side of my blog.
By the way, Your Assignment is as follows:

Click the Play Button to hear the rest of this message!

Get a Voki now!

Blogging is hard.....Even for the leaders in the profession...but a necessary component to learning in the digital world. Please read the following blogpost by one of the leading teachers in the field today.


msfotter said...

Terri, very cool blog! I cannot wait to find out how to do voki. I would love to add this to my blog!

Catherine said...

Thanks for sharing your tech-wisdom!